Romance on the Delaware Bay

Romance on the Delaware Bay

Love is in the Air

From first dates to proposals, rehearsal dinners and weddings, the Ferry continues to be a favorite backdrop for creating romantic memories. It may be the sunsets or just the allure of the boardwalk, but romance is definitely always in the air at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.

The ferry has connected many singles on their first dates when they find that an acceptable radius of 25 miles for a date in most online services brings up potential partners across the Bay.  A 17-mile ferry ride more than meets the criteria, and the need to catch the ferry home makes it easy-to-end the date even when it's going oh-so-well.

She said "yes" when he proposed on the ferry
Image Title
She said "yes" when he proposed on the ferry


Singles groups have chosen to book roundtrip evening rides just to have a change of scenery while socializing, but it's more common to encounter couples reuniting at each terminal as one partner or the other comes across for a long awaited visit.

Many a hopeful groom has chosen the ferry ride as the preferred place to propose. To date, as far as we know, every proposal on the ferry has resulted in a "yes" response!  



Insider's Tip: If you let Customer Service know that a proposal is being planned when making a reservation, special add-ons frequently appear during the ride, from the captain calling the groom to the bridge for some pretense, to souvenir hats and glasses of champagne. Everyone on the ferry loves a good romance.



One special love story captured by the husband and wife Beard Photography team tells the tale of Laura from New Jersey and Jeremy from Delaware. The cross bay dating soon led to a shared home and blended family. When they decided to officially tie the knot, the photographer knew their engagement photos had to be on the ferry.

Romantic Backdrops Set the Stage

The Delaware Bay is also known for providing backdrops for keeping the romance alive years after presents have been opened and the guests dispersed. Couples frequently take the ferry for an evening or weekend away on the other side to relax at day spas, take wine and ale trails in the sister state, experience the culinary delights at area restaurants, or just turn off phones while relaxing at some of the best hotels in Lewes and Cape May.

For shorter dates, couples tell us they love the  sunset wine cruises on the Ferry during summer evenings to indoor winter wine and beer dinners at the terminals special events have helped couples celebrate everything from retirements to new jobs and romantic evenings away from the kids. Romantic options on the bay are almost limitless for both the young and still young-at-heart.  Even when surrounded by water, it's clear that sparks fly on the Delaware Bay as Love is Always in the Air!