Reservation Terms & Conditions
All passengers specifically agree to the terms and conditions of the contract associated with the purchase of a ticket and your use of the Delaware River & Bay Authority (DRBA) property and vessels. Please read the following information:
CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. All DRBA vessels are U.S. Coast Guard inspected and certified. The use of the Delaware River & Bay Authority Motor Vessels and property includes certain limitations of liability, including limitations respecting injuries experienced by a passenger and damage claims related to personal property. It is your responsibility to be aware of the terms and conditions which apply to this type of travel. Please read all the terms and conditions carefully before you purchase your ticket and board the vessel.
Motor vessels encounter ever-changing weather conditions that may affect the movements of the vessel. Rain, wind, waves, and the rolling and pitching of a vessel may affect your walking in both exterior and interior areas. Despite warnings already posted on or near doorways, weather conditions may affect opening and closing doors and ascending and descending stairways, and one must always be alert to adverse conditions. We do not recommend eating hot foods or drinking of liquids unless you are seated. Chairs and tables are provided for your comfort and ease of food handling. The wearing of proper footwear, such as rubber-soled shoes and/or sneakers, is highly recommended while aboard motor vessels.
Awareness of realities of sailing on a moving vessel helps prevent accidents and damage to personal property. By purchase of your ticket and boarding the vessel, all passengers agree to read, accept and be bound by those terms and conditions, including those regarding your right to legal action, the governing law, the forum and jurisdiction which would apply. Any claim you may have will be reviewed within the context of Maritime law. Please read all the terms as follows:
- DEFINITIONS: The term "Ticket" applies to the document you receive upon payment of passage. The term "Passenger" includes every person who purchases a ticket and all those for whom the purchase is made, including, but not limited to dependent children, spouses and other parties.
- LIABILITY LIMITATIONS FOR LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE TO, PROPERTY: The total value of any personal property, valuables and other personal belongings of a Passenger shall be deemed not to exceed the amount of US $200 per passenger and the Company's liability, if any, for loss or damage to such belongings is limited to a maximum of US $200. Losses due to perils of the sea and other acts of God are not reimbursable. During nonemergency sailing conditions your safety is your personal responsibility
- NOTICE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE: Any claim of damages of loss must be made before the passenger leaves the vessel and/or DRBA property in order to enable DRBA staff to investigate any damage and to conduct a search for any suspected lost articles. Failure to notify DRBA staff prior to leaving the vessel (if the claimed loss occurred on the vessel), or DRBA property, will result in the assumption the damage, or loss, occurred elsewhere. Check your belongings before you leave the boat.
- HEALTH AND SECURITY INDEMNIFICATION: a) The Passenger and all Passengers for whom a ticket is purchased represent and warrant that the Passenger(s) is/are physically and otherwise fit to travel; that the Passenger will comply with the Vessel's rules and regulations including orders and directions of the Vessel's officers and crew; and that the Passengers conduct will not impair the safety of the Vessels or inconvenience other passengers b) Parents assume sole responsibility for the actions and safety of their children or other passengers under the age of 18, except when that responsibility is expressly assumed by an officer, or crew, as part of their duties or Coast Guard regulations in force aboard the Vessel. Parents with children who need to be carried on stairways should limit the use of stairways while the vessel is underway and request assistance from the Vessel's crew if use of the stairway is necessary. One or more decks have all the amenities available to Passengers on the Vessel during the crossing. The "Salon" deck is well designed to accommodate the needs of children. c) Passengers who are physically challenged and, or, require the use of a wheelchair or other durable medical devices are advised to travel with someone who is able to assist them both onshore and aboard the Vessel. Any person with special requirements or needs has the responsibility to make those needs known to DRBA ticket personnel prior to purchasing a Ticket and boarding the Vessel.
- VEHICLE LENGTH: The final total length of the vehicle, including trailers, hitches, etc., will be determined by representatives of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry during check in and is final. Failure to correctly determine and / or represent the total length of the vehicle during the reservation process may result in boarding being denied.
- VEHICLE WIDTH: The final maximum width of the vehicle, including trailers, hitches, etc., measured at its widest point, will be determined by representatives of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry during check in and is final. A vehicle maximum width of more than 8'6" is considered over width and will be charged appropriately. Maximum width allowed is 11'3". Failure to correctly determine and / or represent the maximum width of the vehicle during the reservation process may result in boarding being denied.
- BOOKING MODIFICATIONS: There is no fee to modify an existing reservation, providing that the modification is done prior to the currently schedule departure time. Modifications that occur after the currently scheduled departure time will be subject to the No Show policy.
- CHECK-IN: Check-in begins 1 hour before departure. If check-in does not occur 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure, reservations may be forfeited with space allocated to waiting passengers.
- HANDLING FEE: Reservations are required. Any customer that arrives on site without a reservation and wishes to book the next available departure will automatically be asseseda $2 handling fee. This includes members of our VIP program and those customers using Frequent Traveler Books.
- CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations incur a $6.00 fee per vehicle, for each crossing, when canceled at least 30 minutes in advance of the scheduled departure time. Cancelations after scheduled departure time will be treated as a No Show, below, and charged the No Show fee.
- NO SHOW: A No Show occurs when a customer fails to appear for their scheduled departure without prior notification. A No Show results in a fee of $26.00 and the cancelation of the missed crossing. For more information, visit our Arriving and Boarding the Ferry page.
- RESERVATION EXPIRATION: Reservations expire two (2) years after original purchase date. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to use the booking reservation prior to that date.
- SMOKE FREE FACILITY: As of 1/1/17, the Ferry is a completely tobacco free campus.
- FUEL SURCHARGE: A fuel surcharge may be assessed at time of check-in.
- FREQUENT TRAVELER BOOKS: All Frequent Traveler Books (6 & 12 Pack) have a 2 (two) year expiration from the date of purchase and may have a maximum of two names on each voucher. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to use the Frequent Traveler Books prior to that date.
- Vehicles must be shut off during the crossing. Idling of the vehicle is not allowed according to Coast Guard regulations.
- Loyalty members earn points as of April 1st, 2024 or Date of Membership, whichever occurs later.
- Loyalty program reservations must be made online
- Your Customer Identification must be attached to the reservation prior to travel to earn points
- Points are accrued on the account when the reservation is boarded in our system, not when paid for (see Frequent Traveler Book exception below).
- Points are earned based upon monies spent, $1 = 1 point. Cheaper fares as a result of discounts or packages earn less points.
- If a loyalty member is inactive for twenty-four (24) consecutive months, all earned points will expire and the customers membership in the program will be terminated.
- Packages offered by the Cape May Lewes Ferry may include elements that will be paid on to vendors. These elements WILL NOT earn loyalty points and will be made clear at time of booking.
- Frequent Traveler Books (6 Pack, 12 Pack, etc) earn points at time of purchase. Loyalty Members paying for elements of their crossing using a Frequent Traveler Book will NOT earn points for those elements, but WILL earn points for any additional payments.
- Example: Customer 00001 is a Loyalty Member who is using a Frequent Traveler Book to pay for a vehicle and 1 adult, and then uses a credit card for an additional senior passenger. Customer 00001 will earn points based upon the payment for the additional senior passenger only. If Customer 00001 purchased their Frequent Traveler Book while a loyalty member, Customer 00001 earned the appropriate points at that time.
Currently, Members cannot gain points from or redeem points for Food, Beverage or Retail products.
Part of our "Mission Statement" is to help you enjoy "The Best Ferry Ride in America" without injury or damage to your property. By being aware of the nature of travel on the water and then following some basic safety practices, you can help us accomplish that mission and also enjoy a safe bay crossing as part of your travel experience.
Thank you for your help in making this part of your travel a safe experience for you and all your family and friends.