Marine Master Plan

On June 27, 2023, a public information session was held with our consultant team from KPFF and Elliot Bay Design Group. They joined Director of Ferry Operations, Heath Gehrke, to introduce vessel profile options, discuss plans and process. During the meeting the most recent design layouts were reviewed.
The attendees were also treated to some aerial views from the recent ferry loading lanes mock load of one of the proposed car deck designs. The team also reviewed the progress of the design process, and provided an overview of the remaining timeline. Mr. Gehrke answered questions during the session both in the chat and and live. We will be updating the Marine Master Plan pages with the questions and answers in the near future.
During the June 27th meeting, the attendees voted for the preliminary vessel profile of their choice. Although the final design is yet to come, these concepts were to look at profile options. Here are those poll results.
Here is the current vessel profile design as of early July. This is preliminary design and does not represent the final ferry profile to be selected in the future as the design process continues.
For additional information, the final Marine Master Plan report is available for viewing and/or downloading below.
The DRBA and the Cape May-Lewes Ferry are planning for a Ferry fleet of the future, and a marine master planning effort is underway. The plan focused on the Cape May - Lewes Ferry fleet.
The process includes phases including data that affects or will affect the Ferry fleet, analysis of the current fleet, and usage to define the requirements for future additional ferries. Summaries, reports, and reviews continue to better inform a final decision.
On June 6, Elliott Bay Design Group representatives began marking up the staging lot to create a scale replicate of the layout of the proposed car deck on a new ferry. On June 8, Ferry Operations, in coordination with Elliott Bay Design Group, utilized this model to load the ferry and measure vehicle spacing. Then a ferry was loaded to ensure that the specs, proportions, angles, and potential car deck layout differences would not impact the ferry's ability to serve all current customers.
Since launching service in 1964, the Cape May Lewes Ferry (CMLF) has served more than 17 million vehicles and 46 million passengers. The 17-mile ferry ride connects New Jersey and Delaware, providing an enjoyable 80-minute mini-cruise across Delaware Bay. A capacity of 100 vehicles (by 1970s standards) and 1,000 passengers are provided on each crossing, serving residents and tourists alike.
This planning effort thoroughly assesses the operational needs and requirements to maximize economic and other value to our region over CMLF's next 40 years. By opening responsible lines of communication between DRBA executives, CMLF crew members, and other employees, consultants, and especially the communities, we serve, we will match our hard-earned experience with modern technology to create an efficient, environmentally transformational design to accomplish the CMLF mission for the next half-century.
For more information on the future of the Ferry fleet (the Marine Master Plan), please review the archive of the prior meetings and details.
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- All comments will be received, reviewed, and recorded.
- The DRBA/CMLF reserves the right to withhold public display of any comment for any reason.
- You may also email your questions, comments, and feedback to [email protected].